My Fav Songs ever! >,

Friday, 1 April 2011

tik tok. tik tok.


i hadn't expected any of this to happen. not now, maybe not ever. i didn't realize that within a short period, i could fall this hard, this deep, this serious for someone. for donkey, no less.
its not that i hate it. i actualy like the feeling of it. you know, that sort of feeling when you met someone you actualy could connect with. someone you could always count on to make you laugh earnestly from deep inside your broken heart. i can sense that my heart is slowly beginning to heal. glowing even.
its not that im seriously heartbroken, hell no. well, i did ask fr a break up from my ex last month. but i miss that feeling to be loved and cared for. and donkey was here, giving me all of that i had lost.
he's different. he's unique.he's special. its like a new experience to me, cause he's so different from all the guys i was intrestd in.
he's one of a kind. he's one in a million. and he's gonna be mine.
i was literally flying inside when he said he's serious about me. cause i was scared i'd be the only one feeling that way. i know we shudnt be thinking bout this now. and i dnt want to be in a relationship now too. im only 18. and he's 16. i'd wait for our 2years deal. cause im too, serious about him. by then, id be 20. and he'd be 18. we will both be adults at that time. waiting~

would you lemme keep ur heart? 
                                              hearts. hearts. hearts. hearts. hearts.hearts.hearts

i like the fact that ur so tall and i'd have to look up to meet your eyes whenever we talk. 

hey, if you're reading this. i really2 really2 really like you. :)

-small boy on her bike-

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